Refereed papers in English
1) Sumida, A. (1991)
Litterfall in a secondary forest with special reference to the relationships
between leaf-fall rate, basal area, and relative growth rate on a species
basis. Ecological Research 6, 51-62.
Link to journal page
2) Sumida, A. (1993) Growth
of tree species in a broadleaved secondary forest as related to the light
environments of crowns. Journal of the Japanese Forestry Society 75, 278-286.
FREE PDF from OPEN link:
3) Sumida, A. (1995)
Three-dimensional structure of a mixed broad-leaved forest in Japan. Vegetatio
(Plant Ecology) 119, 67-80.
Link to journal page
4) Sumida, A., Ito, H., Isagi, Y. (1997) Trade-off between height growth and
stem diameter growth for an evergreen oak, Quercus glauca, in a mixed hardwood
forest. Functional Ecology 11, 300-309.
Link to jounal page
5) Isagi, Y., Sugimura, K., Sumida, A.,
Ito, H. (1997) How does masting happen and synchronize? Journal
of Theoretical Biology 187, 231-239.
Link to journal
6) Ito, H., Sumida, A., Isagi, Y., Kamo, K.(1997) The crown shape of an
evergreen oak, Quercus glauca,
in a hardwood community. Journal of Forest Research 2,
Link to jounral page
7) Sumida, A., Komiyama, A.(1997) Crown spread patterns for five
deciduous broad-leaved woody species: Ecological significance of the retention
patterns of larger branches. Annals of Botany 80, 759-766.
Link to FREE
journal page
8) Komiyama, A., Tanapermpool, P.,
Havanond, S., Maknual, C., Patanaponpaiboon, P., Sumida, A., Ohnishi, T., Kato,
S. (1998) Mortality and growth of cut pieces of viviparous
mangrove (Rhizophora apiculata and R. mucronata) seedlings in the field
condition. Forest Ecology and Management 112, 227-231.
to journal page
9) Sumida, A., Terazawa, I., Togashi, A.,
Komiyama, A.(2002) Spatial arrangement of branches in relation
to slope and neighbourhood competition. Annals of Botany 89,301-310.
Link to FREE
journal page
10) Nakatsuka, T., Ohnishi, K., Hara, T.,
Sumida, A., Mitsuishi, D., Kurita N., Uemura, S. (2004) Oxygen
and carbon isotopic ratios of tree-ring cellulose in a conifer-hardwood mixed
forest in northern Japan. Geochemical Journal 38, 77-88.
FREE pdf
(link to OPEN journal page)
T., Yokozawa, M., Emori, S., Takata, K., Sumida, A., Hara, T. (2004) Developing a multilayered
integrated numerical model of surface physics-growing plants interaction
(MINoSGI). Global Change Biology 10, 963-982.
Link to
journal page
J., Ishii, H., Vetrova, V.P., Sumida, A., Hara, T. (2004) Tree growth and
competition in a Betula platyphylla-Larix cajanderi post-fire forest in central
Kamchatka. Annals of Botany 94, 333-343.
Link to journal
S.K., Sumida, A., Shibata, H., Uemura, S., Ono, K., Hara, T. (2005) Growth and substrate quality
of fine root and soil nitrogen availability in a young Betula ermanii forest of
northern Japan: Effects of the removal of understory dwarf bamboo (Sasa
kurilensis). Forest Ecology and Management 212, 278–290.
to journal page
S.K., Sumida, A., Ono, K., Shibata, H., Uemura, S., Takahashi, K., Hara, T.
The effects of understorey dwarf bamboo (Sasa kurilensis) removal on soil
fertility in a Betula ermanii forest of Northern Japan. Ecological Research 21,
to journal page
J., Srutek, M., Hara, T., Sumida, A., Penttila, T. (2006) Neighborhood interactions
influencing tree population dynamics in nonpyrogenous boreal forest in northern
Finland. Plant Ecology 185, 135-150.
to journal page
K., Sumida, A., Shibata, H., Ono, K., Uemura, S., Kodama, Y., Hara, T. (2006) Leaf litterfall and
decomposition of different above- and belowground parts of birch (Betula
ermanii ) trees and dwarf bamboo (Sasa kurilensis) shrubs in a young secondary
forest in Northern Japan. Biology and Fertility of Soils 43, 237-246.
to journal page
17) Sumida, A., Umeki, K. (2006)
Stable foliage cluster (FC), a basic unit of the crown structure of tree
species and its application to modeling of tree and forest structure:
Configuration of the FC model. 2006 International Symposium on Plant Growth
Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications, pp. 51-54. IEEE Computer
version : (Repository:
Hokkaido University Library)
K., Sumida, A., Seino, T., Lim, E.M., Honjo, T. (2006) Fitting the truncated
bivariate normal distribution to the relationship between diameter and length
of current-year shoots in Betula
Platyphylla in Hokkaido, Northern Japan. 2006 International
Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications,
pp.56-60. IEEE Computer Society.
M., Yokozawa, M., Sumida, A., Watanabe, T., Hara, T. (2007) Simulating the carbon
balance of a temperate larch forest under various meteorological conditions.
Carbon Balance and Management 2, 6. doi:10.1186/1750-0680-2-6
FREE pdf
(through link to jounral Open-Access page)
T., Kobayashi, T., Kato, K., Nishimura, S., Uemura, S., Ono, K., Sumida, A.
Hara, T. (2008) Estimating the
three-dimensional structure of canopy foliage based on the light measurements
in a Betula ermanii stand. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 148, 1293-1804.
to journal page
21) Ishii, H., Kobayashi, T., Uemura, S.,
Takahashi, T., Hanba, Y., Sumida, A., Hara, T. (2008) Removal of understory dwarf bamboo
(Sasa kurilensis) induces changes in water-relations characteristics of
overstory Betula ermanii trees. Journal of Forest Research 13, 101-109.
to journal page
Okuda, M., Sumida, A., Ishii, H., Vetrova, V.P., Hara, T. (2008)
Establishment and growth pattern of Pinus pumila under a forest canopy in
central Kamchatka. Ecological Research 23,
to journal page
23) Nakai,
T., Sumida, A., Daikoku, K., Matsumoto, K., van der Molen, M.K., Kodama, Y.,
Kononov, A.V., Maximov, T.C., Dolman, A.J., Yabuki, H., Hara, T., Ohta, T.
(2008) Parameterisation
of aerodynamic roughness over boreal, cool- and warm-temperate forests.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 148, 1916-1925.
to journal page
Nakai, T., Sumida, A.,
Matsumoto, K., Daikoku, K., Iida, S., Park, H., Miyahara, M., Kodama, Y.,
Kononov, A.V., Maximov, T.C., Yabuki, H., Hara, T., Ohta, T.(2008)
Aerodynamic scaling for estimating the mean height of dense canopies.
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 128,
423-443, 2008.
to journal page
25) Tsutsumi, M.,
Hisaya Kojima, H., Uemura, S., Ono, K., Sumida, A., Hara, T., Fukui, M. (2009)
Structure and activity of soil-inhabiting methanotrophic communities in
northern forest of Japan. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 41, 403-408.
to journal page
26) Toda, M.,
Yokozawa, M., Sumida, A., Watanabe, T., Hara, T. (2009) Foliage profiles of
individual trees determine competition, self-thinning, biomass and NPP of a
Cryptomeria japonica forest stand: A simulation study based on a stand-scale
process-based forest model. Ecological Modelling 220, 2272-2280.
to journal page
27) Sumida, A.,
Nakai, T., Yamada, M., Ono, K., Uemura, S., Hara, T. (2009) Ground-based
estimation of leaf area index and vertical distribution of leaf area density in
a Betula ermanii forest. Silva Fennica 43(5), 799-816.
Link to journal
page ( FREE : Open Access)
28) Nishimura,
N., Kato, K., Sumida, A., Ono, K., Tanouchi, H., Iida, S., Hoshino, D.,
Yamamoto, S., Hara, T. (2010) Effects of life history strategies and tree
competition on species coexistence in a sub-boreal coniferous forest of Japan.
Plant Ecology 206, 29-40. DOI 10.1007/s11258-009-9622-3
to journal page
29) Doležal, J., Ishii,
H., Kyncl, T., Takahashi, K., Vetrova, V.P., Homma, K., Sumida, A., , Hara, T.
(2010) Climatic factors affecting radial growth of Betula ermanii and Betula
platyphylla in Kamchatka. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 40, 273-285.
Link to jounral page
30) Bae, J.J., Choo, Y.S., Ono, K., Sumida, A., Hara, T. (2010)
Photoprotective mechanisms in cold-acclimated and nonacclimated needles of
Picea glehnii. Photosynthetica 48, 110-116.
to journal page
31) Tabata, A., Ono, K., Sumida, A., Hara, T. (2010) Effects of soil
water conditions on the morphology, phenology and photosynthesis of Betula ermanii
in the boreal forest. Ecological Research 25, 823-835.
to journal page
32) Nakai, T.,
Sumida, A., Kodama, Y., Hara, T., Ohta, T. (2010) A comparison between
various definitions of forest stand height and aerodynamic canopy height.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 150, 1225-1233.
to journal page
33) Toda, M., Korali, P., Nakai, T., Kodama, Y., Shibata, H., Yoshida, T.,
Uemura, S., Sumida, A., Kato, K., Ono, K., Hara, T. (2010) Photosynthetic
recovery of foliage after wind disturbance activates ecosystem CO2
uptake in cool temperate forests of northern Japan. Jounral of Geophysical
Research 116, G02006, doi:10.1029/2010JG001611, 2011
jounral page : (accepted
31 January 2011)
34) Toda, M.,
Takata, K., Nishimura, N., Yamada, M., Miki, N., Nakai, T., Kodama, Y., Uemura,
S., Watanabe, T., Sumida, A., Hara, T. (2011) Simulating seasonal and
inter-annual variations in energy and carbon exchanges and forest dynamics
using a process-based atmosphere–vegetation dynamics model. Ecological Research
26, 105-121.
to journal page:
(Accepted: 1 September 2010)
35) Suzuki, K., Kodama, Y., Nakai, T., Liston, G.E, Yamamoto, K., Ohata, T.,
Ishii, Y., Sumida, A., Hara, T., Ohta, T. (2011) Impact of land-use changes
on snow in a forested region with heavy snowfall in Hokkaido, Japan.
Hydrological Sciences Journal 56,443-467.
to journal page: (Accepted 6
January 2011)
36) Bontempo e Silva, E.A., Hasegawa, S.F., Ono, K., Sumida, A., Uemura, S.,
Hara, T. (2012) Differential photosynthetic characteristics between
seedlings and saplings of Abies sachalinensis and Picea glehnii, in the field.
Ecological Reserach 27, 933-943.
Link to
journal page: (Accepted 3 July
to this paper :
37) Sumida, A., Miyaura, T., Torii, H. (2013) Relationships of tree
height and diameter at breast height revisited: analyses of stem growth using
20-year data of an even-aged Chamaecyparis obtusa stand. Tree Physiology 33
(1), 106-118.
Link to
journal page: (Accepted 25
November 2012) OPEN ACCESS
38) Moharekar,
S.L., Moharekar, S., Kobayashi, T., Ishii, H., Sumida, A., Hara, T. (2014)
Phenotypic plasticity and ecotypic variations in growth and flowering time of
Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) under different light and temperature conditions.
Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 52 (4), 344-351.
to journal page:
(Accepted 28 October 2013) OPEN ACCESS
39) Sumida, A.
(2015) The diameter
growth–height growth relationship as related to the diameter–height
relationship. Tree Physiology 35, 1031-1034.
Link to journal page: (Accepted 22 August 2015)
Open link to an
author version :
Ishii, H., Homma, K., Dolezal, J., Hara, T.,
Sumida, A., Vetrova, V., Vyatkina, M., Hotta, K.(2015) Spatial pattern
of post-fire forest succession in Central Kamchatka, Russia. Low Temperature
Science 73, 1-6.
Link to journal page:
41) Bontempo
e Silva, E.A., Ono, K., Sumida, A., Uemura, S., Hara, T. (2016) Contrasting
traits, contrasting environments, and considerations on population dynamics
under a changing climate: an ecophysiological field study of two co-dominant
tree species. Plant Species Biology 31, 38-49.
to journal page:
(Accepted 31 October 2014)
42) Hu, X., Page, M.T., Sumida, A., Tanaka, A., Terry, M.J., Tanaka, R.
(2016) The iron–sulfur cluster biosynthesis protein SUFB is required for
chlorophyll synthesis, but not phytochrome signaling. The Plant Journal, 89(6),
1184-1194. doi:10.1111/tpj.13455
open access:
(accepted 19 December 2016) OPEN ACCESS
43) Chen, L., Sumida, A. (2017) Patterns of branch growth and death in
crowns of Sakhalin spruce, Picea glehnii (F. Schmidt) Mast. Forests 8
(1), 26. doi:10.3390/f8010026
open access:
(accepted 11 January 2017) OPEN ACCESS
44) Ecological
Research 32(2), 105-105. doi:10.1007/s11284-016-1424-1
open access:
(accepted 7 December 2016) OPEN ACCESS
45) Hu, X., Kato, Y., Sumida, A., Tanaka, A., Tanaka, R. (2017) The
SUFBC2D complex is required for the biogenesis of all major classes of
plastid Fe‐S proteins. The Plant Journal 90, 235-248. doi: 10.1111/tpj.13483
(Accepted 09
January 2017)
46) Kong,
B., Chen, L., Kasahara, Y., Sumida, A., Ono, K., Wild, J., Nagatake, A.,
Hatano, R., Hara, T. (2017) Understory dwarf bamboo affects microbial
structures and soil properties in a Betula ermanii forest in northern
Japan. Microbes and Environments 32 (2), 103-111. doi:10.1264/jsme2.ME16154
(Accepted 24
January 2017) OPEN ACCESS
47) Chen,
L., Sumida, A. (2018) Effects of light on branch growth and death vary at
different organization levels of branching units in Sakhalin spruce. Trees 32
(4), 1123-1134. doi:10.1007/s00468-018-1700-5
(Accepted 17
April 2018)
48) Sumida,
A., Watanabe, T., Miyaura, T (2018) Interannual variability of leaf area index of an evergreen conifer stand
was affected by carry-over effects from recent climate conditions. Scientific
Reports 8, 13590. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-31672-3
(Accepted 23 August 2018; published online 11 Sept 2018) OPEN ACCESS
49) Sumida, A., Inagaki, Y., Kajimoto, T., Katsuno-Miyaura, M., Komiyama, A.,
Kurachi, N., Miyaura, T., Hasegawa, S.F., Hara, T., Ono, K. Yamada, M.
(2023) Allometry of the quasi‑pipe (qPipe) model for estimating tree leaf area and tree leaf mass applied to plant functional types. Scientific Reports 13, 9954. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-37112-1
(Accepted 15 June 2023; published online 19 June 2023) OPEN ACCESS
50) Kasuya, N, Sumida, A., Ikeda, B., Ueno, Y., Miyafuji, H. (2025) Growth of young Melia azedarach trees in abandoned farmlands as planting sites in western Japan. Trees,
Forests and People 20, 100822. doi: 10.1016/j.tfp.2025.100822
(accepted 2 March 2025; published online 3 March 2025)OPEN ACCESS
Non-refereed papers in English
1) Komiyama, A., Jintanta, V., Khaimook, M., Tanapermpool, P., Havanond, S., Yamada, M., Ohnishi, T., Kato, S., Sumida, A. (1998) Dispersal pattern of mangrove viviparous seedlings by water current – Basic concept of the tidal model -.Chubu Shinrin Kenkyu 46, 115-116.
2) Sumida, A., Terazawa, I., Togashi, A., Komiyama, A.(2001) Three-dimensional structure of branches for community-grown trees of a deciduous species, Castanea crenata, as related to their crown expansion patterns. In: (ed. Michel Labrecque) L’ARBRE 2000 THE TREE. pp 46-52. Isabelle Quintin Pub., Quebec, Canada.
3) Hara, T., Watanabe, T., Yokozawa, M., Emori, S., Takata, K., Sumida, A. (2001) A multi-layered integrated numerical model of surface physics-growing plants interaction, MINoSGI. In: (eds. T. Matsuno & H. Kida) Present and future of modeling global environment change: toward integrated modeling. pp 173-185. TERAPUB, Tokyo.
A., Takai, Y. (2003)
Formation of a structure of exponentially forking branches with a steady-state
amount of current-year shoots in a hardwood tree crown. In: (eds. T.Sekimura,
S. Noji, N.Ueno & P.K.Maini) Morphogenesis and Pattern Formation in
Biological Systems: Experiments and Models. pp 247-256. Springer-Verlag
to FREE pdf-download page (HUSCUP: Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly
and Academic Papers )
5) Kato, K., Kuwada, T., Miki, N., Matsumoto, K., Kobayashi, T., Vetrova, V.P., Maximov, T.C., Sumida, A., Ohta, T., Hara, T. (2004) Ecophysiological responses of boreal forest trees to climate conditions. (eds. T.C.Maximov, T. Ohta, H. Dolman, E. Moor, T. Ohata) Proceedings of the International Semi-Open Workshop “C/H2O/Energy Balance and Climate over Boreal Regions with Special Emphasis on Eastern Eurasia”, pp 25-28. Institute for Biological Problems of Cryolithozone, SD, RAS. Yakutsk, Russia.
6) Nakai, T., Sumida, A., Kuwada, T., Kato, K., Daikoku, K., Matsumoto, K., Ohta, T., Kodama, Y., Maximov, T.C. (2006) Parameterization of aerodynamic roughness over the forest. Proceedings of 2nd Symposium on Water Cycle in Northern Eurasia pp.47-48, Committee of Symposium on Water Cycle in Northern Eurasia, Nagoya.
7) Yamada, M., Laska, K., Kato, K., Toda, M., Sumida, A., Hara, T. (2006) Transpiration of birch forest in Uryu Experimental Forest, northern Japan. Proceedings of 2nd Symposium on Water Cycle in Northern Eurasia pp.33-36, Committee of Symposium on Water Cycle in Northern Eurasia, Nagoya.
8) Kato, K., Kuwada, T., Miki, N., Kobayashi, T., Matsumoto, K., Homma, K., Vetrova, V. P., Maximov, T. C., Sumida, A., Ohta, T., Hara, T. (2006) Leaf-level gas exchange traits of deciduous trees growing in boreal forests: Are there any variations in stomatal responses to some microclimatic factors? Proceedings of 2nd Symposium on Water Cycle in Northern Eurasia pp. 27-30, Committee of Symposium on Water Cycle in Northern Eurasia, Nagoya.
9) Kato, K., Kuwada, T., Miki, N., Kobayashi, T., Matsumoto, K., Homma, K., Vetrova, V.P., Maximov, T.C., Sumida, A., Ohta, T., Hara, T. (2006) Leaf-level gas exchange traits of Betula and Larix trees growing in boreal forests: Are there any variations in stomatal responses to microclimatic conditions? (eds. H. Dolman, E. Moors, T. Ohta, T.C. Maximov) 2nd International WS on C/H2O/Energy balance and climate over boreal regions with special emphasis on eastern Eurasia (International Workshop on H2O and CO2 exchange in Siberia) pp.11-14, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
10) Nakai, T., Sumida, A., Kuwada, T., Kato, K., Daikoku, K., Matsumoto, K., Ohta, T., Kodama, Y., Maximov, T. C. (2006) How can the aerodynamic roughness be parameterized in terms of forest structures? (eds. H. Dolman, E. Moors, T. Ohta, T.C. Maximov) 2nd International WS on C/ H2O/Energy balance and climate over boreal regions with special emphasis on eastern Eurasia(International Workshop on H2O and CO2 exchange in Siberia) pp. 27-30, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
11) Kobayashi, T., Miki, N., Kato, K., Kubo, T., Nishimura, S., Uemura, S., Ono, K., Sumida, A., Ohta, T., Hara, T. (2006) Understory removal increases carbon gain and transpiration in the overstory of birch (Betula ermanii) stands in northern Hokkaido, Japan: trends in leaf, shoot and canopy. (eds. H. Dolman, E. Moors, T. Ohta, T.C. Maximov) 2nd International WS on C/H2O/Energy balance and climate over boreal regions with special emphasis on eastern Eurasia(International Workshop on H2O and CO2 exchange in Siberia) pp.19-22 , Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Japanese 日本語:(*は査読つき)
隅田明洋(1987) 名古屋市内の二次林の種組成と林分構造. 日本林学会中部支部大会論文集 35: 39−42.
隅田明洋 (1987) 名古屋市内の二次林におけるリター量について.日本林学会大会発表論文集 98: 297-298. pdf
隅田明洋 (1989) 二次林構成種の葉の展開について.日本林学会大会発表論文集 100: 377-378. pdf
隅田明洋(1989) 名古屋市内の二次林における土壌呼吸速度について.日本林学会中部支部大会論文集
37: 35−38. pdf
隅田明洋・成瀬文月(1990)二次林における常緑広葉樹の葉の光合成能力と葉齢. 日本林学会中部支部大会論文集 38: 67-70. pdf
隅田明洋 (1990) 二次林の葉層構造について.日本林学会大会発表論文集 101: 389-390. pdf
隅田明洋 (1993) 二次林における階層構造の解析. 名古屋大学農学部演習林報告 12: 31-145.(*)FREE link
隅田明洋 (1996) 広葉樹群落の空間構造 -個体レベルからのアプローチ-.日本生態学会誌 46: 31-44.(*)FREE link
間野知宏,隅田明洋 (2000) アオハダの短枝・長枝のシュート構造の解析.中部森林研究 48: 15-16.
富樫麻子,隅田明洋 (2000) レーザー測距器付きセオドライトを用いたコナラの3次元構造の測定.中部森林研究 48: 19-20.
隅田明洋 (2000) 林冠研究:林冠へのアクセス法と生態学的な意義について. 一本梯子を使って木に登る. 日本生態学会誌 50: 71-75. pdf
隅田明洋(2003)木を見て森も見る -幹・枝構造の成因と群落動態へのかかわり-. 生物科学 54 (3): 181-187.(*)
隅田明洋(2003)森林の葉群構造 -葉はどのように分布しているか-(日本林学会「森林科学」編集委員会編)森をはかる. pp14-17. 古今書院.
西村尚之, 赤路康朗, 鈴木智之, 長谷川成明, 小野清美, 隅田明洋, 原登志彦, 飯田滋生, 関剛, 倉本惠生, 杉田久志, 中川弥智子, 松下通也, 廣部宗, 星野大介, 稲永路子, 山本進一 (2015) 北方針葉樹林におけるトウヒ属Piceaとモミ属Abiesの稚樹の動態に及ぼす林床環境の影響. 低温科学 73: 7-19.
山口貴広, 隅田明洋, 中井太郎, 山田雅仁, 兒玉裕二, 小野清美, 原登志彦 (2015) 北海道の亜高山帯ダケカンバ林の下層チシマザサ (Sasa kurilensis (Rupr.) Makino & Shibata)の総生産および蒸散の季節変化に及ぼす環境要因. 低温科学 73: 41-56. (*)
津田元, 小野清美, 隅田明洋, 原登志彦 (2015) ミズナラ実生の初期成長における生育条件の影響と葉の生理的応答. 低温科学 73: 57-64. (*)
小野清美, 隅田明洋, 本間航介, 戸田求, 原登志彦 (2015) 寒冷圏の植物生態 (北海道大学低温科学研究所編、低温科学便覧), pp 367-375. 丸善出版. ISBN 978-4-621-08964-4 C3040
隅田明洋 (2016) 樹木の生理生態的特徴と寒冷域の環境要因
(河村公隆 他 編, 低温環境の科学辞典), 179-180. 朝倉書店. ISBN 978-4-254-16128-1 C3544
隅田明洋 (2021) 樹冠と林冠の構造とその発達・維持 (小池孝良 他 編、木本植物の生理生態)、18-25.共立出版.ISBN-978-4-320-05812-5
糟谷信彦,清野薫風,横尾謙一郎,隅田明洋,宮藤久士 (2022) 13年生センダンの地上部と地下部への重量配分と根系分布特性. 日本森林学会誌 104: 343-349*) .