山川肇,「ドイツのごみ処理事業におけるベンチマーキングと一般廃棄物処理事業実態調査への効率性指標の導入可能性」,公益事業研究,Vol.57, no.1,2005,pp.7−17
【Abstract】This paper reports the outlines of two advanced German benchmarking projects of municipal waste management by BIfA and INFA and shows some their ideas for developing comparability of indicators. The methods of these projects are discussed from the view point of choosing best practices, and it is proposed to combine benchmarking by basic and important efficiency indicators with the national survey of municipal waste management. This has a merit to be able to choose the best practices from all of municipalities' practice in Japan. Finally the efficiency indicators of collection and transportation proposed by INFA are examined and it is showed that performance indicators can be calculated when some data items are added on the national survey.