
板井章浩 Akihiro ITAI E-mail: itaiアットkpu.ac.jp

I. 受賞

1 園芸学会賞奨励賞「ニホンナシ果実の成熟と貯蔵性に関する分子生物学的研究」(2006.3)

2 園芸学会賞年間優秀論文賞「Determination of Ethylene Synthetic Genotypes Related to Ripening in Japanese Pear Cultivars」(2006.9)

3 文部科学大臣表彰若手科学者賞「ナシ果実の貯蔵性に関する分子マーカーの開発と育種の研究」(2008.4)


II. 著書

1 A.Itai (2007): Pear In Genome Mapping and Molecular Breeding in Plants. Vol. 4 Fruits and Nuts. pp157-170. C. R. Kole (ed), Springer, Heidelberg  

2 板井章浩 (2007): 果実の生長と植物ホルモン 園芸生理学 分子生物学とバイオテクノロジー 山木昭平編 pp111-121. 文永堂 東京

3 板井章浩 (2008): ニホンナシ 果実の事典 杉浦 明・宇都宮直樹・片岡郁雄・久保田尚浩・米森敬三編 pp326-338. 朝倉書店 東京       

4 R. L. Bell and A. Itai (2011): Pyrus In Wild Crop Relatives: Genomic and Breeding Resources Vol.6 Temperate Fruits. pp147-178. C. R. Kole (ed), Springer, Heidelberg                                                 

5 児玉基一朗・伊藤真一・板井章浩 (2013):病原菌ゲノム解析とゲノム情報の活用 菌類きのこ遺伝資源 発掘と活用 「持続社会構築に向けた菌類きのこ資源活用」編集委員会編 pp33-39. 丸善プラネット 東京 

6 A.Itai  (2015): Watercore in fruits. In Abiotic Stress Biology in Horticultural Plants. pp127-145. Y. Kanayama, A. V. Kochetov (eds), Springer, Tokyo 

7 板井章浩  (2015):果実の発育 果樹園芸学 米森敬三編 pp121-133. 朝倉書店 東京

8 板井章浩  (2017):フローサイトメトリー Q&A 戸村道夫編 pp305-307. 羊土社 東京


III. 総説

1 A. Itai, K. Tanabe and F. Tamura. (2002):  The mechanism of ethylene production during fruit ripening in Asian pears. Acta Horticulturae 587:497-504.

2 板井章浩 (2004): ニホンナシ成熟果実のエチレン生成に関するDNAマーカーの開発 園芸学研究 3:323-328.

3 板井章浩・田尾龍太郎(2006): 果樹におけるMAS (Marker assisted selection) の開発と育種への利用 植物の生長調節 41:131-140.

IV.  論文

1      A. Itai, K. Tanabe, F. Tamura, S. Susaki, K. Yonemori and A. Sugiura (1995): Synthetic cytokinins control persimmon fruit shape, size and quality. The Journal of Horticultural Science 70: 867-873.

2      F. Tamura, K. Tanabe and A. Itai (1995): Effect of interruption of chilling on budbreak in Japanese pear. Acta Horticulturae 395:135-140.                               

3  K. Yonemori, A. Itai, R. Nakano and A. Sugiura (1996): Role of calyx lobes in gas exchange and development of persimmon fruit. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 121:676-679.                                                    

4  F. Tamura, K. Tanabe, M. Katayama and A. Itai (1996): Effect of flooding on ethanol and ethylene production by pear rootstocks. Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science 65:261-266.                                                    

5 R. Liao, K. Tanabe, F. Tamura and A. Itai (1996): Seasonal variations in fatty acid composition and cold hardiness of Japanese pear in response to air temperature and growing stages. Environment Control in Biology 34:303-311.

6 A. Itai, K. Yonemori and A. Sugiura. 1997. Changes in water relations as related to the growth inhibition of persimmon fruit by calyx lobes removal. Acta Horticulturae 436:355-364.

7  R. Liao, K. Tanabe, F. Tamura and A. Itai (1997): Changes of lipid metabolism and their effects on cold hardiness of Japanese pear during flowering and fruit setting periods. Environment Control in Biology 35:21-28.

8  F. Tamura, K. Tanabe and A. Itai (1997): A model for estimating rest completion for  ‘Nijisseiki’ pear. Environment Control in Biology 35:185-189.

9  R. Liao, K. Tanabe, F. Tamura and A. Itai (1997): Seasonal changes in fatty acid composition of three wild pear species in relation to cold hardiness and air temperature. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology  52:525-528.

10  Y. Teng, K. Tanabe, F. Tamura and A. Itai (1998): Effects of spur ages on the translocation of assimilates from spurs of ‘Nijisseiki’ pear (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai). Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science 67:313-318.                       

11  Y. Teng, K. Tanabe, F. Tamura and A. Itai (1998): Effects of spur defoliation and girdling on fruit growth, fruit quality, and leaf and shoot carbohydrate levels on the spurs of different ages in ‘Nijisseiki’ pear. Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science 67:643-650.

12  F. Tamura, K. Tanabe, A. Itai and H. Tanaka (1998): Protein changes in the flower buds of Japanese pear during breaking of dormancy by chilling or high-temperature treatment. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 123:532-536.

13  Y. Teng, K. Tanabe, F. Tamura and A. Itai (1999): Translocation of 13C-assimilates in the spring following fall assimilation of 13CO2 by  ‘Nijisseiki’ pear (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai). Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science 68:248-255.       

14  A. Itai, T. Kawata, K. Tanabe, F. Tamura, M. Uchiyama, M. Tomomitsu and N. Shiraiwa. (1999): Identification of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid synthase genes controlling the ethylene level of ripening fruit in Japanese pear (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai). Molecular and General Genetics 261:42-49.

15  A. Itai, K. Yoshida, K. Tanabe and F. Tamura. (1999): A b-D-xylosidase-like gene is expressed during fruit ripening in Japanese pear (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai). Journal of Experimental Botany 50:877-878.                                   

16  Y. Teng, K. Tanabe, F. Tamura and A. Itai (1999): Effects of water stress on fruit growth and the partitioning of 13C-assimilates in  ‘Nijisseiki’ pear trees. Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science 68:1071-1078.                             

17  Y. Teng, K. Tanabe, F. Tamura and A. Itai (1999): Partitioning of 13C-assimilates in young ‘Nijisseiki’ pear trees during the initial period of fruit growth. Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science. 68:1079-1083.                           

18 田村文男・田辺賢二・板井章浩・長谷川美穂子. (1999): エタノールおよび炭酸ガス処理に伴うカキ‘西条’果実のアセトアルデヒド蓄積ならびに脱渋の特性. 園芸学会雑誌 68:1178-1183.                                      

19 A. Itai, K. Tanabe, F. Tamura and T. Tanaka (2000):  Isolation of cDNA clones corresponding to the genes expressed during fruit ripening in Japanese pear (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai) -Involvement of ethylene signal transduction pathway in their expression. Journal of Experimental Botany 51:1163-1166.

20 松浦克彦・田辺賢二・田村文男・板井章浩 (2001): イチジク‘桝井ドーフィン’の葉が秋期に同化した13Cの貯蔵と翌春における転流. 園芸学会雑誌 70:66-71.

21 松浦克彦・田辺賢二・田村文男・板井章浩 (2001): イチジク下位節の着果肥大期と成熟期における結果枝内の13C光合成産物の分配. 園芸学会雑誌 70:466-472.   

22 F. Tamura, K. Tanabe, A. Itai and M. Morimoto. (2001): Variation in the chilling requirement for breaking leaf bud endodormancy in wild pear species and pear cultivars. Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science 70:596-598.                  

23 Y. Teng, K. Tanabe, F. Tamura and A. Itai (2001):  Genetic relationships of pear cultivars in Xinjiang, China, as measured by RAPD markers. The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology 76:771-­779.

24 Teng, K. Tanabe, F. Tamura and A. Itai (2002): Assessment of genetic relatedness among large-fruited pear cultivars native to east Asia using RAPD markers. Acta Horticulturae 587:139-146.

25 F. Tamura, K. Tanabe and A. Itai (2002):  Regulation of endodormancy in Japanese pear. Acta Horticulturae 587:325-336.                                     

26 Y. Teng, K. Tanabe, F. Tamura and A. Itai (2002):  Genetic relationships of Pyrus species and cultivars native east Asia revealed by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA markers. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 127:262-­270.

27 A. Itai, K. Yoshida, K. Tanabe and F. Tamura. (2002): Expression analysis of JPRXYL gene during fruit ripening in several pear cultivars. Acta Horticulturae 596:183-186. 

28 A. Itai, T. Kotaki, K. Tanabe, F. Tamura, D. Kawaguchi, and M. Fukuda. (2003):  Rapid identification of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) synthase genotypes in cultivars of Japanese pear (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai) using CAPS markers. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 106:1266-1272.                      

29 A. Itai, K. Tanabe, F. Tamura, and M. Tomomitsu. (2003):  Cloning and characterization of a cDNA encoding 1-aminocyclopropane -1-carboxylate (ACC) synthase (PPACS3) from ripening fruit of Japanese pear (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai). Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science. 72:99-106.

30 Y. Sugimoto, A. M. Ali, S. Yabuta, H. Kinoshita, S. Inanaga and A. Itai (2003): Germination strategy of Striga hermonthica involves regulation of ethylene biosynthesis. Physiologia Plantarum 119:137-145.                

31 F. Tamura, J.-P. Chun, K. Tanabe, M. Morimoto and A. Itai (2003): Effects of summer-pruning and gibberellin on the watercore development in Japanese pear ‘Akibae’. Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science 72:372-377.          

32 J.-P. Chun, F. Tamura, K. Tanabe and A. Itai (2003):  Physiological and chemical changes associated with watercore development induced by GA in Japanese pear ‘Akibae’ and ‘Housui’. Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science 72:378-384.

33 A. Itai, K. Ishihara and J. D. Bewley (2003): Characterization of expression, and cloning, of b-D-xylosidase and a-L-arabinofuranosidase in developing and ripening tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) fruit. Journal of Experimental Botany 54:2615-2622.                                                       

34 J.-P. Chun, F. Tamura, K. Tanabe, A. Itai and T. Tabuchi. (2003): Cell wall degradation and structural changes of GA-induced watercored tissues in Japanese pear ‘Akibae’ and ‘Hosui’. Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science 72:488-496.

35 黄建成・田辺賢二・板井章浩 (2003): ISSR分析によるハナハスの品種識別. 園芸学研究 2:259-264.                                              

36 黄建成・田辺賢二・板井章浩 (2004): ISSRマーカーによるハナハス品種の親子鑑定と花粉親の推定. 園芸学研究 3:251-256.

37 F. Tamura, K. Tanabe and A. Itai (2004): Characteristics of the respiration chain in relation to flooding tolerance in pear rootstocks. Acta Horticulturae 636:191-198.

38 C. Zhang, K. Tanabe, F. Tamura, A. Itai and S. Wang (2005): Partitioning of 13C-photosynthates from spur leaves during fruit growth of three Japanese pear cultivars differing in maturation date. Annals of Botany 95:685-693.  

39 O. Franco-Mora, K. Tanabe, F. Tamura, and A. Itai (2005): Effects of putrescine application on fruit set in ‘Housui’ Japanese pear (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai). Scientia Horticulturae 104:265-273.                                        

40 C. Zhang, K. Tanabe, F. Tamura, A. Itai and S. Wang (2005): Spur characteristics, fruit growth and carbon partitioning in two late-maturing Japanese pear (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai) cultivars with contrasting fruit size. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 130:252-260.

41 O. Franco-Mora, A. Itai and K. Tanabe (2005): Effects of pre-pollination application of 1-methylcyclopropene on fruit set and stigma receptivity in Housui Japanese pear (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai). Environmental Control in Biology 43:61-65.

42 O. Franco-Mora, K. Tanabe, A. Itai, F. Tamura and H. Itamura. (2005): Relationship between endogenous free polyamine content and ethylene evolution during fruit growth and ripening in Japanese pears (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai). Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science 74:221-227.

43 A. Itai, T. Kotaki, K. Tanabe, M. Fukuda, Y. Kawada, Y. Amano and N. Fujita (2005): Determination of the ethylene synthetic genotypes related to fruit ripening in Japanese pear cultivars. Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science 74:361-366.

44 C. Ma, K. Tanabe, A. Itai, Y. Teng and J. -P. Chun (2005): Iron deficiency induced changes in chlorophyll and ferric reductase activity in Asian pear rootstocks (Pyrus spp.) with hydroponics. Environmental Control in Biology 43:173-180.

45 C. Ma, K. Tanabe, A. Itai, F. Tamura, J. -P. Chun and Y. Teng (2005): Tolerance to lime-induced iron chlorosis of Asian pear rootstocks (Pyrus spp.). Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science. 74:419-423.                     

46 白岩裕隆・鹿島美彦・井上 浩・板井章浩・田辺賢二 (2005): 初夏どりネギ栽培における花芽分化時期の液肥が植物体の窒素レベル,抽苔および収量に及ぼす影響. 園芸学研究 4:411-415.                  

47 C. Ma, K. Tanabe, A. Itai, F. Tamura, Y. Teng and J.-P. Chun (2006): Responses of two Asian pear rootstocks (Pyrus spp.) to Fe-deficiency chlorosis induced by addition of bicarbonate to nutrient solution. Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science 75:219-223.                                   

48 白岩裕隆・鹿島美彦・井上 浩・板井章浩・田辺賢二 (2007): 初夏どりネギ栽培におけるトンネル被服資材と施肥方法が生育,抽苔および収量に及ぼす影響. 園芸学研究  6:53-57.

49 白岩裕隆・田辺賢二・鹿島美彦・板井章浩・井上 浩・福本明彦. (2007): 電熱線によるネギの側条地中加温が抽台ならびに生育に及ぼす影響. 園芸学研究 6:459-464.                           

50 C. Zhang, K. Tanabe, F. Tamura, A. Itai and M. Yoshida. (2007):  Roles of gibberellins in increasing sink demand in Japanese pear fruit during rapid fruit growth. Plant Growth Regulation 52:161-172.            

51 吉田亮・田辺賢二・田村文男・板井章浩 (2007): ニホンナシ‘ゴールド二十世紀’幼木の整枝法の違いが器官別乾物分配および13C光合成産物の転流に及ぼす影響 園芸学研究 6:535-540.                        

52 A. Itai and N. Fujita. (2008): Identification of climacteric and non-climacteric phenotypes of Asian pear cultivars by CAPS analysis of ACC synthase genes. HortScience 43:119-121.                                    

53 A. Itai and T. Tanahashi. (2008): Inhibition of sucrose loss during cold storage in Japanese pear (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai) by 1-MCP. Postharvest Biology and Technology 48:355-363.                                                    

54 T. Nakagawa, A. Nakatsuka, K. Yano, S. Yasugahara, R. Nakamura, N. Sun, A. Itai, T. Suzuki, and H. Itamura (2008): Expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from persimmon at different developmental stages. Plant Cell Report 27:931-938.

55 O. Franco-Mora, K. Tanabe, F. Tamura and A. Itai (2008): The Influence of putresscine on fruit set and fruit size in ‘Hosui’ Japanese pear. Acta Horticulturae 774:297-300 

56 C. Nishitani, T. Shimizu, H. Fujii, F. Hosaka, S. Terakami, Y. Nakamura, A. Itai, A. Yamaguchi-Nakamura and T. Yamamoto (2010): Oligoarray analysis of gene expression in ripening Japanese pear fruit. Scientia Horticulturae 124:195-203.

57 N. Shiraiwa, K. Kikuchi, I. Honda, M. Shigyo, H. Yamazaki, D. Tanaka, K. Tanabe and A. Itai (2011): Characterization of endogenous gibberellins and molecular cloning of a putative gibberellin 3-oxidase gene in bunching onion. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 136:382-388.

58 A. Itai, T. Igori, N. Fujita, H. Murayama, M. Egusa and M. Kodama (2012): Ethylene analog and 1-MCP enhance black spot disease development in Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai. HortScience 46:228-231.         

59 C. Nishitani, A. Yamaguchi-Nakamura, F. Hosaka, S. Terakami, T. Shimizu, K. Yano, A. Itai, T. Saito and T. Yamamoto (2012):  Parthenocarpic genetic resources and gene expression related to parthenocarpy among four species in pear (Pyrus spp.) Scientia Horticulturae 136:101-109.

60 C. Nishitani, C., T. Saito, B. E. Ubi, T. Shimizu, A. Itai, T. Saito, T. Yamamoto and T. Moriguchi (2012): Transcriptome analysis of Pyrus pyrifolia leaf buds during transition from endodormancy to ecodormancy. Scientia Horticulturae 147:49-55.  

61 A. Ogata, A. Itai, M. Nishiyama, K. Kanahama and Y. Kanayama (2012): Analyses of early rough bark phenotype found in seedlings of a cross between the European pear ‘Bartlett’ and the Chinese pear ‘Yali’. Scientia Horticulturae 148:1-8.  

62 K. Nashima, H. Takahashi, M. Nakazono, T. Shimidzu, C. Nishitani, T. Yamamoto, A. Itai, K. Isuzugawa, T. Hanada, T. Takashina, M. Kato, A. Oikawa and K. Shiratake. (2013): Transcriptome analysis of giant pear fruit with fruit specific DNA reduplication on a mutant branch. Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science 82:301-311.                                        

63 K. Nashima, T. Shimidzu, C. Nishitani, T. Yamamoto, H. Takahashi, M. Nakazono, A. Itai, K. Isuzugawa, T. Hanada, T. Takashina, S. Matsumoto, S. Otagaki, A. Oikawa and K. Shiratake (2013): Microarray analysis of gene expression patterns during fruit development in European pear (Pyrus communis) Scientia Horticulturae 164:466-473. 

64 Yamamoto T., S. Terakami, N. Takada, S. Nishio, N. Onoue, C. Nishitani, M. Kunihisa, E. Inoue, H. Iwata, T. Hayashi, A. Itai and T. Saito (2014): Identification of QTLs controlling harvest time and fruit skin color in Japanese pear (Pyrus pyrifolia). Breeding Science 64:351-361.

65 N. Charoenchongsuk, K. Ikeda, A. Itai, A. Oikawa and H. Murayama (2015): Comparison of the expression of chlorophyll-degradation-related genes during ripening between stay-green and yellow-pear cultivars.  Scientia Horticulturae 181:89-94.

66 Murayama, H., M. Sai, A. Oikawa and A.Itai (2015): Inhibitory factors that affect the ripening of pear fruit on the tree. The Horticulture Journal 84:14-20.

67 Galarza, L., Y. Akagi, K. Takao, S.K. Chang, N. Maekawa, A. Itai, E. Peralta, E. Santos and M. Kodama (2015): Characterization of Trichoderma species isolated in Ecuador and their antagonistic activities against phytopathogenic fungi from Ecuador and Japan. Journal of General Plant Pathology 81:201-210.

68 A. Itai, R. Hatanaka, H. Irie and H. Murayama (2015): Effects of storage temperature on fruit quality and expression of sucrose phosphate synthase and acid invertase genes in Japanese pear. The Horticulture Journal 84:227-232.

69 Yamazaki, H., N. Shiraiwa, A. Itai and I. Honda. (2015): Involvement of gibberellins in the regulation of tillering of welsh onion (Allium fistulosum L.). The Horticulture Journal  84:334-341.

70 Ito, A., D. Sakamoto, A. Itai, T. Nishijima, N. Oyama-Okubo, Y. Nakamura, T. Moriguchi and I. Nakajima. (2016): Effects of GA3+4 and GA4+7 application either alone or combined prohexadione-Ca on fruit development of Japanese pear ‘Kosui’. The Horticulture Journal 85201-208.


V. その他刊行物

1 Sugimoto, Y., S. Yabuta, H. Kinoshita, S. Inanaga and A. Itai. 2001. Identificationof ACC synthase and ACC oxidase genes in germination Striga hermonthica seeds. Proc. 7th Intl. Parasitic Weed Symposium 106-109.

2 板井章浩. 2005. ゲノムから品種を見る(43)- ニホンナシ果実の成熟現象の遺伝的解剖 果実日本 60(3):73-75.

3 板井章浩. 2011. 果樹における遺伝子の機能解明 (3)- ニホンナシ果実のエチレン生成のメカニズムと貯蔵性に関するDNAマーカーの開発 果実日本 66(10):101-104.

4 板井章浩. 2015. 果樹における先端ゲノム解析と新しい研究の展開- ニホンナシ果実の糖組成に着目した良食味品種育成の試み 果実日本 70(7):89-92.


VI. 特許

1.農園芸作物の肥大生長促進方法 板井章浩・本田久志 (日本:特許第5364881号 台湾:第I455689号、韓国:10-1385382、中国:ZL200780001522.1、ブラジル:PI0707286-4、南アフリカ:2008/06183)




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