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2) 岡与志男、片桐晃、椎名隆、杉山雅人、橋本史朗、花田禎一、馬場正昭、藤田英夫、堀智孝、堀部正吉、松原孝治、村中重利、山内淳、山本直一(1997) 無機定性分析実験 共立出版
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5) 椎名隆 (2005) 葉緑体の形、食虫植物のメカニズム 「形の科学事典」朝倉書店 208-212
6) 山下博史,椎名隆 (2006) 接触傾性運動 ム 食虫植物の捕虫メカニズムー プラントミメティックス NTS出版
7) 椎名 隆 佐藤 雅彦 角山 雄一 (2007) スタートアップ生化学 化学同人
8) 椎名隆、石崎陽子 編訳(2011) 遺伝子組換え食品と有機農業 丸善
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28) Ishizaki, Y., Tsunoyama, Y., Hatano, K., Ando, K., Kato, K., Shinmyo, A., Kobori, M., Takeba, G., Nakahira, Y. Shiina, T. (2005) A nuclear-encoded sigma factor, Arabidopsis SIG6, recognizes sigma-70 type chloroplast promoters and regulates early chloroplast development in cotyledons. Plant J. 42, 133-144 NEDO
29) Ogihara Y, Yamazaki Y, Murai K, Kanno A, Terachi T, Shiina T, Miyashita N, Nasuda S, Nakamura C, Mori N, Takumi S, Murata M, Futo S, Tsunewaki K. (2005) Structural dynamics of cereal mitochondrial genome as revealed by complete nucleotide sequencing of the wheat mitochondrial genome. Nucl. Acid Res. 33, 6235-6250
30) Shiina, T., Tsunoyama, Y., Nakahira, Y., Khan, M.S. (2005) Plastid RNA polymerases, promoters and transcription regulators in higher plants. Int. Rev. Cytology 244, 1-68 NEDO
31) Toyoshima, Y., Onda, Y., Shiina, T., Nakahira, Y. (2005) Plastid transcription in higher plants. Crit. Rev. Plant Sci. 24, 59-81 NEDO
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33) Bang WY, Jeong IS, Kim DW, Im CH, Ji C, Hwang SM, Kim SW, Son YS, Jeong J, Shiina T, Bahk JD. (2008) Role of Arabidopsis CHL27 protein for photosynthesis, chloroplast development and gene expression profiling. Plant Cell Physiol. 49, 350-63.
34) Hashimoto K, Igarashi H, Mano S, Takenaka C, Shiina T, Yamaguchi M, Demura T, Nishimura M, Shimmen T, Yokota E. (2008) An isoform of Arabidopsis myosin XI interacts with small GTPases in its C-terminal tail region. J Exp Bot. 59, 3523-31
35) Suwastika IN, Uemura T, Shiina T, Sato MH, Takeyasu K. (2008) SYP71, a Plant-specific Qc-SNARE Protein, Reveals Dual Localization to the Plasma Membrane and the Endoplasmic Reticulum in Arabidopsis. Cell Struct Funct. 33: 185 - 192
36) Nomura H, Komori T, Kobori M, Nakahira Y, Shiina T. (2008) Evidence for chloroplast control of external Ca2+-induced cytosolic Ca2+ transients and stomatal closure. Plant J. 53, 988-98 NEDO
37) Shiina, T., Ishizaki, Y., Yagi, Y. Nakahira, Y.(2009) Function and evolution of plastid sigma factors. Plant Biotechnology 26, 57-66 NEDO
38) Bang WY, Hata A, Jeong IS, Umeda T, Masuda T, Chen J, Yoko I, Suwastika IN, Kim DW, Im CH, Lee BH, Lee Y, Lee KW, Shiina T, Bahk JD. (2009) AtObgC, a plant ortholog of bacterial Obg, is a chloroplast-targeting GTPase essential for early embryogenesis. Plant Mol Biol. 71, 379-90
39) Hasegawa M, Shiina T, Terazima M, Kumazaki S. (2010) Selective excitation of photosystems in chloroplasts inside plant leaves observed by near-infrared laser-based fluorescence spectral microscopy. Plant Cell Physiol. 51, 225-38.
40) Sugimoto T, Bamba T, Izumi Y, Nomura H, Shiina T, Fukusaki E. (2011) Use of ultra-performance liquid chromatography/time-of-flight mass spectrometry with nozzle-skimmer fragmentation for comprehensive quantitative analysis of secondary metabolites in Arabidopsis thaliana. J Sep Sci. 34, 3587-96
41) Im CH, Hwang SM, Son YS, Heo JB, Bang WY, Suwastika IN, Shiina T, Bahk JD. (2011) Nuclear/nucleolar GTPase 2 proteins as a subfamily of YlqF/YawG GTPases function in pre-60S ribosomal subunit maturation of mono- and dicotyledonous plants. J Biol Chem. 286, 8620-32
42) Koeda S, Hosokawa M, Kang BC, Tanaka C, Choi D, Sano S, Shiina T, Doi M, Yazawa S. (2012) Defense response of a pepper cultivar cv. Sy-2 is induced at temperatures below 24°C. J Plant Res. 125, 137-45
43) Bang WY, Chen J, Jeong IS, Kim SW, Kim CW, Jung HS, Lee KH, Kweon HS, Yoko I, Shiina T, Bahk JD. (2012) Functional characterization of ObgC in ribosome biogenesis during chloroplast development. Plant J. 71, 122-34
44) Yagi Y, Ishizaki Y, Nakahira Y, Tozawa Y, Shiina T. (2012) Eukaryotic-type plastid nucleoid protein pTAC3 is essential for transcription by the bacterial-type plastid RNA polymerase. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 109, 7541-6
45) Nomura H, Komori T, Uemura S, Kanda Y, Shimotani K, Nakai K, Furuichi T, Takebayashi K, Sugimoto T, Sano S, Suwastika IN, Fukusaki E, Yoshioka H, Nakahira Y, Shiina T. (2012) Chloroplast-mediated activation of plant immune signalling in Arabidopsis. Nat Commun. 26;3:926. doi: 10.1038/ncomms1926.
46) Yagi Y, Shiina T. (2012) Evolutionary aspects of plastid proteins involved in transcription: The transcription of a tiny genome is mediated by a complicated machinery. Transcription. 3, 1-5
47) Nakai Y, Nakahira Y, Sumida H, Takebayashi K, Nagasawa Y, Yamasaki K, Akiyama M, Ohme-Takagi M, Fujiwara S, Shiina T, Mitsuda N, Fukusaki E, Kubo Y, Sato MH. (2013) Vascular plant one-zinc-finger protein 1/2 transcription factors regulate abiotic and biotic stress responses in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 2013 73, 761-75
48) Yamasaki K, Motomura Y, Yagi Y, Nomura H, Kikuchi S, Nakai M, Shiina T. (2013) Chloroplast envelope localization of EDS5, an essential factor for salicylic acid biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Signal Behav. 8, e23603
49) Nakahira Y, Ishikawa K, Tanaka K, Tozawa Y, Shiina T. (2013) Overproduction of hyperthermostable β-1,4-endoglucanase from the archaeon Pyrococcus horikoshii by tobacco chloroplast engineering. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 77, 2140-3
50) Yagi, Y and Shiina, T. (2014) Recent advances in the study of chloroplast gene expression and its evolution. Front. in Plant Sci. 5, 61
51) Nomura, H. and Shiina, T. (2014) Calcium signaling in plant endosymbiotic organelles: mechanism and role in physiology. Mol. Plant 7, 1094-1104
52) Radka Slovak, Christian Goschl, Xiaoxue Su, Koji Shimotani, Takashi Shiina and Wolfgang Busch (2014) A scalable open-source pipeline for large-scale root phenotyping. Plant Cell 26, 2390-2403
53) Sano S, Aoyama M, Nakai K, Shimotani K, Yamasaki K, Sato MH, Tojo D, Suwastika IN, Nomura H, Shiina T. (2014) Light-dependent expression of flg22-induced defense genes in Arabidopsis. Front Plant Sci. 5, 531
54) Suwastika IN, Denawa M, Yomogihara S, Im CH, Bang WY, Ohniwa RL, Bahk JD, Takeyasu K, Shiina T. (2014) Evidence for lateral gene transfer (LGT) in the evolution of eubacteria-derived small GTPases in plant organelles. Front Plant Sci. 5, 678



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